Act F.A.S.T. and reconginize the signs of a stroke
F= Faced drooping
A= arm weakness
S= Speech difficulty
T= Time to call 911 emergency
B. False cause
False cause is a type of fallacy that tries to relate an event or occurrence to a causal factor which may not really exist. A false cause does not provide sufficient evidence that an event was actually a product of the supposed cause.
In the case of the couple in the example, they strongly believed that the Christian Science was the cause of their son's immediate recovery. The false cause usually starts with the succession of two conditions. In the example given, the first condition was the presence of an ailment, which is followed by a cure and complete recovery.
However, there is a lack of sufficient evidence that the Christian Science is actually effective. In fact, it may really be a confirmation bias of the parents preconceived beliefs.
It's either A or C if you need more information on why just ask it's kinda weird to explain
Poor health can put a person's physical condition a risk because a person cannot do any physical movement or exercise because of poor health. For example, if someone is having high blood pressure, he cannot do much workout. Poor physical movement can be the factor why the person is having problems with mental conditions because he will feel bad about himself which will lead him to bad social aspects since the person who is thinking bad about themselves are more likely to think that other people think that too.