The loop terminates when "xxxxx" is read in. If the word is land, the string followed by "land" get outputted. The same with air, and water.
int land = 0;
int air = 0;
int water = 0;
String word = "";
while(!(word.equals("xxxxx"))) {
word =;
if(word.equals("land")) {
}else if(word.equals("air")) {
}else if(word.equals("water")) {
System.out.println("land:" + land);
System.out.println("air:" + air);
System.out.println("water:" + water);
Yes, it is possible to move a worksheet to open another workbook but not to copy it there. Explanation: Microsoft Excel is a powerful tool for organizing work or business-related things etc.
80 for HTTP, 443 for HTTPS
Number of strings = (10, 2)×(8,3) = 2520
The number of possible combinations for taking two 0's is C(10, 2)
It remains 8 Positions
The number of possible combinations for taking three 1's is C(8,3)
So there remains 5 spots
Wow!! that is ALOT of info,I dont think i could help with this one Umders 699 maybe someone else can sorry that i couldn`t help :)