Be more positive about yourself: A positive attitude toward yourself as a person. It includes elements such as being satisfied and in agreement with oneself, respecting oneself, being “one with oneself” and feeling at home in one's own body. Recognizing your quality is also very important to be positive with yourself.
Don't compare yourself to others: The world we live in is sustained by competitiveness. This makes us believe that our own personal or professional success will only be achieved when we surpass other people's. Leave the comparisons aside. Each being is as unique, complex, full of experience, pain and happiness as you. One person's joy is not the same as another's, as is suffering. When it comes to life, there is no basis for comparison: do what is good for you.
Be more compassionate about your mistakes: Wasn't it this time? Don't let a mistake made be a reason for you to get discouraged. If you can forgive others, you must be able to forgive yourself as well. Developing a compassionate look at your attitudes will make you live better.
Be honest with yourself: Just as lying to others is harmful, lying to ourselves also makes us fall into harmful situations. Be honest with your difficulties and facilities. Embrace your weaknesses and strengths by nurturing the mind's balance with each other without surrendering to narcissism and without being shaken by excessive self-criticism.