Pizza enters your mouth and you mechanically break down food into smaller pieces and your saliva breaks down food chemically. The food then passes through your esophagus and into the stomach where the food is further broken done by mechanical and chemical digestion. And then once the food enters your small intestine the nutrients get absorbed by the walls of the small intestine and into the blood stream, the blood then takes these nutrients to the different parts of the body and cells use this nutrients to create energy through cellular respiration.
immune systems sends out white blood cells and antibodies and then they kill the invading germs
Answer: Teixobactin is a drug for the treatment of Tuberculosis, currently under preclinical studies
Teixobactin:- It is a secondary metabolite obtained from some species of bacteria, used as an anti- infective agent, especially for the treatment of Tuberculosis. Currently this drug is under preclinical study. This belongs to a new class of antibiotics
Mechanism of Action:- This drug act as a cell wall inhibitor
This drug is usually given by injection, according to the reports of development of identified for preclinical development in tuberculosis in USA