The storage of food and water first and foremost, as both spoiled on ships of the period. Secondly, one would worry about getting lost. No GPS and no actual way to tell where you are if a wind or storm blew you slightly off course. Imagine how impossible it would be for a ship to travel in a perfectly straight line whilst traveling the entire span of the Atlantic, Pacific, or even smaller bodies of water such as the Mediterranean.
Egyptian workshop gods presented in animals form while Mayans held a belief in mother nature also Mayans and Egyptian made building's like pyramids and they both live in peace with the world around them.
Hope this help
i have an amazing family consists of 6 members 4 brothers, a mother, and a father my father works at globe. My mother is a staying home since she has five kids that has a busy body and loves doing stuff.
My family members are fun, crazy, respectful, and caring my family has taught me many good things about life.
The correct answer is on November 5, 2013