1. Albert
2. Charlie
3. 05 Seconds
4. 14 seconds
5. 8.33 m/s
The problems in the given scenarios can be solved just by analyzing the given the graph. Here the x-axis of the graph shows the time in seconds and y-axis shows the distance covered.
1. We can see that Albert finished the race in 12 seconds. This is lesser in comparison with Bob (14 seconds) and Charlie (17 seconds). Thus Albert is the winner of the race.
2. We can see that when Charlie reached at 50 meters, the time is increasing while the distance is same. It implies that he stopped there for some rest.
3. This rest was of 05 seconds.
4. Bob completed the race in 14 seconds.
5. Albert covered 100 m in 12 seconds, so his speed (v) will be,