Computer scientists began building rudimentary games and simulations on mainframe computers in the 1950s and 1960s, with MIT's Spacewar! in 1962 being one of the first such games to be played with a video display. The first consumer-ready video game hardware arrived in the early 1970s, with the Magnavox Odyssey, the first home video game system, and the first arcade video games from Atari, Computer Space and Pong, the latter of which was later transformed into a home console version. Pong's success in arcades and at home prompted numerous firms to create clones of the game, resulting in a market contraction in 1978 owing to oversaturation and a lack of innovation.
A) True
Java provides collections architecture or framework used to store and manipulate a group of objects or collections.
The collection framework has interfaces which include; Set, Queue, Deque, List, as well as classes which include; Hashset, ArrayList, LinkedList, LinkedHashset, PriorityQueue, Vector and TreeSet.
There are also many methods declared in the collection interface which include; add(), addAll(), remove(), removeAll(),retainAll(), clear(), size(), iterator(), toArray() etc
This will be stored as a collection of files