The point where the muscle attaches to the more movable bone in a joint refers to as the insertion. The origin is the point where the muscle attaches to the less movable bone. In general, we can say insertion moves towards the origin. The muscle which is responsible for causing particular movement is called a prime mover.
Through the help of synergists, prime mover produces some movement or reduce the undesired movement. Synergist contain specializes fixators. Fixators function is to stabilize the origin of prime mover so that the tension created can be used to move the insertion bone.
you take 1 billion and divide it by 0.5 and to check your work you would take your answer and multiply it by 0.5
heyyy i dont understand what ur asking
Most enzymes end with the suffix -ase. Example: ligase, protase, maltase, Of course there are few exceptions like pepsin.