La fuerza se aplica en el lado opuesto de la carga.
Para andar en bicicleta y llevar una carga de la tienda a su casa, usamos tales reglas para llevar la carga de manera más fácil y segura. Si la carga es grande y está colgada en el mango derecho de la bicicleta, entonces la fuerza se aplica en el lado izquierdo de la bicicleta para mantener el equilibrio. Si no hicimos esto, la moto se irá hacia el lado derecho y el piloto sufrió el accidente.
Question users
Several users on the second floor of your company's building are reporting that the network …
A. Establish a plan of action
B. Question users...
B. Question users
Following are the program to calculate even digits sum:
#include <iostream>//header file
using namespace std;
int main()//main method
int a[10],s=0,i;//defining an array and an integer variable
cout<<"Enter array values: ";//print message
for(i=0;i<=9;i++)//defining a loop that input array value
cin>>a[i];//input array value
for(int i=0;i<=9;i++)//defining loop that check array value
if(a[i]%2==0)//defining if block that checks even number condition value
s=s+a[i];//adding even number value
cout<<"The sum of even number is: "<<s;//print even number sum value
return 0;
Program Explanation:
- Defining a header file.
- Defining the main method.
- Inside the main method, an integer array "a", and two integer variable "s,i" is declared.
- In the next step, a for loop is declared that input the array value, and after input value another loop is declared that check even number value in array.
- In this loop it adds array value and after adding the value a print method is declared that prints its value.
Please find the attached file.
Find out more information about the even number here:
The answer is below
In order to sync songs from desktop to mobile device Spotify. This following must be followed:
1. From the Spotify PC app, add Local Files in toe synchronized ed to a phone list.
2. Ensure to log into Spotify on mobile phone on the same WiFi network as PC.
3. Click on the menu button
4. Click on Music.
5. Click on Playlists and access folder with local music files
6. Click on the Available Offline switch at the top.
7. A green arrow is shown to depict successful synchronization.