Human interaction with the ecosystem has rapidly spread disease to Yellowstone's wildlife, which has proven to have adverse effects on populations. Also, humans tend to leave trash in poor areas. Littering is a problem in Yellowstone because it can be ingested by the wildlife and also pollute the park.
The mechanisms of reproductive isolation prevent the reproduction of two individuals from different species. The prezygotic mechanisms disrupt the stages of reproduction before the forming of the zygote or prevent the mating at the start, and the postzygotic mechanisms affect the stages of reproduction after the forming of the zygote.
So, the first and the third example (the urchins and the grasshoppers) show the prezygotic mechanism, as the two individuals are not able to mate or form a zygote.
The second and the fourth example ( zonkey and the death of a zygote) show the working of the postzygotic mechanisms, as the zygote is formed, but it seems to be inviable, and the zonkeys are sterile, preventing the individual to reproduce.
11)El ciclo del agua, conocido científicamente como ciclo hidrológico, se refiere al intercambio continuo de agua en la hidrosfera, entre la atmósfera, el agua del suelo, la superficie, el agua subterránea y las plantas. La ciencia que estudia el ciclo hidrológico es la hidrología.
12)Sabems que las etapas del ciclo hidrológico son las siguientes:
Las implicaciones que tienen para la vida cada una de las etapas son:
Evaporación, se reduce el nivel de los ríos, los lagos pequeños se seca, y se eleva la temperatura del ambiente.
Condensación, Es el proceso en el cual se forman las nubes, por lo que la luz solar disminuye.
Precipitación, produce nuevamente el aumento de los niveles de rios y lagos, y la disminución de la temperatura.
Plants have evolved several adaptations to life on land, including embryo retention, stomata, and vascular tissue