Atomic number, the number of a chemical element in the periodic system, whereby the elements are arranged in order of increasing number of protons in the nucleus. Accordingly, the number of protons, which is always equal to the number of electrons in the neutral atom, is also the atomic number.
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Earth rotates on its axis once each day, and the gravity of the Moon causes the oceans to bulge. Earth rotates on its axis once each year, and the gravity of the Moon causes the oceans to bulge.
A polygenic trait can be described as a physical trait which is influenced by more than one gene.
The three types of selection for a polygenic trait are:
1) Directional Selection: In a directional selection, one of the phenotype is favored in an ecosystem. As a result of this favoring, the allelic frequency changes and shifts in favor of this particular trait.
2) Stabilizing selection: It is a type of natural selection in which the intermediate trait is favored. The population carries a middle trait in abundance.
3) Disruptive Selection: Disruptive trait is a type of natural selection in which the traits on the extreme sides are favored. The intermediate traits are less favored.