The answer is strep throat. Hope this helps!!! : )
Slowly extending stretches until the muscle hurts
Gradually increasing the challenge level of stretches
Quickly swinging the arms back and forth for more stretch
<span>Intensely holding stretches for five to 10 seconds</span>
A food I often eat is eggs, and eating undercooked eggs have a high risk of having salmonella. This is why it is dangerous to eat raw cookie dough, even though I do it anyways. Salmonella is a gram negative bacterium, it is rod shaped and flagellated. Undercooking foods and leaving them in warm temperatures can cause the pathogens to grow. Habits you can practice to reduce the risk of foodbourne illness would be to always be sure your food is cooked all the way, not eat anything raw, do not leave meat out to where it gets to room temperature, and to not eat rotten meat, fruit, or vegetables.
Vegans do not eat any animal product including dairy and fish