There are approximately 52 weeks in a given year, meaning that there are 52/2, or 26, biweekly pay periods. Therefore, we divide the annual salary of $55,500 by 26 biweekly pay periods to get $2,134.62 for the biweekly paycheck.
The formula is the annual amount divided by the number of periods. Here, there are 26 periods of biweekly (once every two weeks) paychecks.
Yield with 6-day maturity is 7.70%
Yield with 18-day maturity is 2.57%
The formula for yield on repurchase is given as:
y = ( PAR – P ) / P x (360 / t )
P=Purchase price
PAR=Repurchase price
t= number of days of the transaction
In first scenario,PAR is $39 million,P is $38.95 million and t=6
In the second scenario,details remained the same except for t that is 18
This implies the longer the maturity the lesser the yield since yield is computed on daily basis.
Pension Expense = EBE = $593440 for income statement
The opening balance of the Plan asset is made by the 40000 from 2018 plus interest of 32000 and the new 400000 made this year. Why include it? Because an opening balance are the funds in an account at the beginning of the year either from last year or are from current year but should be the first entry in the books of the current year.
DBO plan asset EBE
opening balance (600000) 832000 -
interest ( 60000) 66560 6560
current year's service cost (600000) (600000)
( 1260000 ) 898560 <u> 593440</u>
balance sheet liability = 361440
If Daniel took the cash, he could be found guilty of the crime of embezzlement. Embezzlement is a specific type of theft. It is when someone was entrusted with someone else's property (like an employer) and they steal some/all for their personal benefit.
Hope this helps! :)
The primary market is the market in which the new securities like bonds, stocks, etc are offered to the general public for the first time or we can say Initial public offer.
The initial public offer is an example of the primary market
On the other hand, the secondary market is that market in which the securities are purchased or sold through the investors after offering to the general public.
Example - New York Stock Exchange (NYSE), etc.