Scratch is a programming language and an online community where children can program and share interactive media such as stories, games, and animation with people from all over the world.
- Copyright
- Defamation
- Cyberbullying
The first issue, that I would like to explain is Copyright. If you are imposing as a company on Social Media with a real name that is Copyrighted, the company will file a DMCA takedown notice which is the Digital Millennium Copyright Act
. Which can result in your Social Media being taken down, or by getting a fine, sued or even jailtime.
The second issue is Defamation, what Defamation is basically spreading false information about a company / business in real or online that hurts a companies reputation. If you commit this crime online you can face a lawsuit or even jailtime for one year.
Thirdly, cyberbullying. This is illegal in most states in the US. Cyberbullying is a serious matter and depending on your states laws can be charged with criminal harassment.
Quora: (Website)
Miclaw: (Website)
Statista: (Website)