compression of the abdomen to assist in forced expiration
The internal oblique is a muscle that has its location beneath the external abdominal oblique and its closer to the skin than the transverse abdominal muscle.
The internal oblique has different functions such as:
- Supporting the abdominal wall
- Helping in the rotation of the trunk
- Helping to raise pressure in the abdominal area
- Assisting in forced respiration
A positive home pregnancy test can have a false positive
Red blood cells carry oxygen.
Here are some good exercises that are FAST to increase cardio fitness:
During a run increase your speed by about 75% for about 15-30 seconds, intervals are crucial.
Mile repeats or 800m repeats with 30 second rests inbetween
HILLS - literally will change you
-hill repeats
-hill sprints
All those are KILLERS for cardio they will improve you in one week and you will keep improving quickly.
Sprinting is also crucial to improve endurance and cardio, sprint repeats, it's really powerful
Have fun with your cardio! :)