Answer to the following question are,
Because these are the two associations data structures.
- Association List: are referred to that data type which contains the pair of the key and item in the Java Programming Language and Python Programming Language, it is called a dictionary data type.
- Tables or Hash Tables: are referred to that data type which converts the keys into the integer value.
What do you want inside font colour,text,or face
Concurrency Control in Database Management System is a procedure of managing simultaneous operations without conflicting with each other. It ensures that Database transactions are performed concurrently and accurately to produce correct results without violating data integrity of the respective Database.And The ACID properties, in totality, provide a mechanism to ensure correctness and consistency of a database in a way such that each transaction is a group of operations that acts a single unit, produces consistent results, acts in isolation from other operations and updates that it makes are durably stored.
Google is famously known as a search engine and it is being used around the globe. Aside from being a search engine, it also offers other services such as productivity software or google docs, e-mail services like Gmail, cloud storage or the google drive and it also offers social networking services through google plus. Google also has some desktop application for free of use such as google chrome, picasa and instant messaging like hangouts. Their mission statement as for being the most used search engine is "to organize the world's information and make it universally accessible and useful".
In opp friend function is a function that gives the same access to private and protected data. It is declared in class that is granting access.
using namespace std;
class Sum
int a, b, add;
void input()
cout << "Enter the value of l and m:";
cin >> l>>m; taking input from users
friend void add(sum &t);
void display()
cout << "The sum is :" << z;
void add(sum & p)
p.add = p.a + p.b;
int main()
sum p1;
return false;
return true; //true is returned if sum is equal to 5
else //if they are not the same
return false;