CRITICISM, THEORY, and ANALYSIS:Aarne, Antti A., and Stith Thompson.
The Types of the Folktale: A Classification and Bibliography. Folklore
Fellows Communications no. 184. Helsinki: Academia Scientiarum Fennica, l96l.
Revised edn. 1964. Second revision, Helsinki: Soumalainen Tiedeakatemia, 1981.
[Tales classified according to Animal Tales (Wild Animals, Wild Animals
and Domestic Animals, Man and Wild Animals, Domestic Animals, Birds, Fish, Other
Animals and Objects); Ordinary Folk-Tales (Tales of Magic: Supernatural
Adversaries, Supernatural or Enchanted Husband Wife or other Relatives,
Supernatural Tasks, Supernatural Helpers, Magic Objects, Supernatural Power or
Knowledge, Other Tales of the Supernatural; Religious Tales; Romantic Tales;
Tales of the Stupid Ogre); Jokes and Anecdotes (Numbskull Stories,
Stories about Married Couples, Stories about a Woman/Girl, Stories about a
Man/Boy, The Clever Man, Lucky Accidents, The Stupid Man, Jokes about Parsons
and Religious Orders, Anecdotes about Other Groups of People, Tales of Lying);
Formula Tales (Cumulative Tales, Catch Tales, Other Formula Tales);
Unclassified Tales. Types most frequently in Cinderella stories are
510: Cinderella and Cap o' Rushes, which includes such functions
as the persecuted heroine, magic help, meeting the prince, overstaying at the
ball, proof of identity such as the slipper test, a ring, or unique abilities
such as that of plucking the gold apple, marriage to the prince, and the value
of salt. 510A: Cinderella, the stepsisters, the missing mother who
helps by means of animals. 510B: The Dress of Gold, of Silver, and of the
Stars, where the father would marry his daughter; three fold visit to the
church, identifying footwear. 511: One-Eye, Two-Eyes, Three-Eyes,
with child abused by mother, but assisted by wise-woman; magical tree.
511A: The Little Red Ox, with cruel stepmother and stepsisters; Ox
as helper; spying on the Ox, flight, a Magic Horn.]
Abel, Elizabeth; Marianne Hirsch; and Elizabeth Langland. The Voyage In:
Fictions of Female Development. Hanover, N.H.: University Press of New
England, 1983.
Abrahams, Roger D. African Folktales: Traditional Stories of the Black
World. New York: Pantheon, 1983. [Introduction (pp. 1-29). Sixteen Tales of
Wonder from the Great Ocean of Story, with introduction; twenty-eight Stories to
Discuss and Even Argue About, with introduction; thirty-three Tales of Trickster
and Other Ridiculous Creatures, with introduction; two Tales of Praise of Great
Doings, with introduction; fifteen tales on Making a Way Through Life, with
introduction. Bibliography (pp. 343-46). See entry above under Modern
Children's Editions: African American, African.]
"Accusations of Abuse Haunt the Legacy of Dr. Bruno Bettelheim." New York
Times, 4 November 1990. The Week in Review.
Adams, Richard. "The Social Identity of a Japanese Storyteller." Ph.D. diss.
Indiana University, 1972.
Afanasiev, Aleksandr. Russian Fairy Tales. Trans. Norbert Guterman.
New York: Pantheon, 1945.
Akridge, Sharon A. Hollenbeck. Cinderella from the Pampas. Ann Arbor,
Michigan: University Microfilms International, 1983.
Aldrich, Elizabeth. From the Ballroom to Hell: Grace and Folly in
Nineteenth Century Dance. Evanston, Ill.: Northwestern University Press,
1991. [A mine of information on nineteenth-century manuals of etiquette on the
ball as avenue to acceptable behavior in America and Europe.]
Aley, Peter. Jugendliteratur im Dritten Reich (Gutersloh: Bertelsmann,
1967), p. 102. [Cites G. Grenz on Cinderella as example of Prince,
following his unspoiled instinct, to find the right Arian girl whereby the blood
lines are kept pure. The voice in his blood tells him she is the right one.]
Angelopoulou, Anna. "Fuseau des cendres." Cahiers de Littrature
Orale, 15 (1989), 71-96. [Considers functions of spindles at the fireside in