Centerville has a population of 13000. People under the age of 18 make up 22% of the towns population.
It will increase the economy, the more cotton produced the more money, the more slaves the faster the job gets done, this will also increase the amount of slaves in the south.
Feudalism was created by the Frankish king Charles Martel.
In the given scenario above, it is seen that is considered to be a fiduciary relationship. So, meaning to say, a fiduciary relationship such as the scenario that is given above needs a high degree of trust and for the people involve to be confident. It is because a fiduciary relationship is a relationship that involves trust to another people or party and it involves about assets and money which is portrayed above.
Antonie Van Leeuwenhoek
I've learned this in apwh, he is the father of Microbiology