If a mutation occurs in a gene, the structure of a <u>Protein</u> within the organism may be changed.
— WatanabeHaruto
Neurotransmitters such as acetylcholine, epinephrine are important at a neuron-neuron junction called synapses. When an impulse reaches the end of one neuron, at the synapse, it causes the release of neurotransmitters from synaptic vesicle that diffuse across the synapse and when they bind to their reports on the other end. An impulse is then generated on the subsequent neuron that travels down the axon to the next synapse.
Regeneration is the ability to gain something back again.
The main threat to our weather from space junk is rather indirect: the density of the junk may become so great that it could hinder our ability to use weather satellites, and hence to monitor weather changes caused by our own ground-based pollution.