Through employment and engaging communities thru
comprehensive business models, the private sector can play a significant role
in poverty alleviation.
As it brings community members into the value chain thus
making it a more sustainable relationship, this approach is makes it different
from just social corporate responsibility.
Answer: Intangibility, inseparability, variability, and perishability
What makes your business stand out is what you do differently from the rest. In the business world, virtually everyone is doing the same thing, and at the end of the day fight over same customers, but have a unique selling point helps your business stand out. This unique selling poi t is what drives your marketing strategy, which should be Intangibility, inseparability, variability, and perishability. Your unique selling point is made very loud in your message, telling people why they need to use you. An example is Coca-Cola, they've been in the market for a long while, selling their business and creating that message in people's mind that they are exceptional.
Films where made to entertain other people so they would get money that is the answer
Answer:The answer is c public service
Public service is the agencies of social and economic development and also they are the machinery for the execution of national government policies and programmes .The public service is the process of implementing development goals in every areas of the society such as health, education, economy, social and so on..having recognized that the government cannot do all in ensuring that every problems of the society is solved. The non governmental organizations or the civil society organizations do come in to complement the effort of government in such areas such as the creation of awareness campaign to reduce the prevalence of certain diseases such as cancer, diabetes, Aids, heart disease and so on in the society. The process of doing this is what we can referred to as the service to the public and to humanity
The awareness programme help people to become aware of the level of care and the treatment available for such diseases as well as how to prevent the occurrence of such diseases in the first instance, The campaign about the prevalence of a disease help everyone in the society to understand the disease and also help them to be aware of what to do in order to be free from the attack of such diseases.