Option c (planned change and unplanned change) is the correct choice.
- Marketing research seems to be the sequential as well as analytical assessment, compilation, review, and distribution of knowledge about marketing performance and customer concerns with the specific goal of helping executives in decision-making related to recognizing and solving advertising major challenges.
- The challenge regarding marketing research seems to be the assessment of Retailers' advantages and disadvantages. Vis-a-vis certain main competitors as regards factors affecting the profitability including its shop.
3 other alternatives aren't relevant to the subject. So that the option here is just the appropriate one.
Answer: In macroeconomics, gross domestic product (GDP) is a macroeconomic magnitude that expresses the monetary value of the production of goods and services of final demand of a country or region during a determined period, normally one year or quarterly.
GDP can be measured by adding up all the final demands for goods and services in a given period. In this case, the destination of the production is being quantified. There are four major areas of spending: household consumption (C), government consumption (G), investment in new capital (I) and the net results of foreign trade (exports-imports).
And it can also be measured by adding the income of all the factors that contribute to the production process, such as wages and salaries, commissions, rents, copyrights, fees, interests, profits, etc. The GDP is the result of the calculation by means of the payment to the factors of the production. All this, before deducting tax.
Thus the statements "b. An increase in Social Security expenses" as government expenses, "c. An increase in retirement and pension benefits to elderly citizens" as subsidies or transfers, and "
d. An individual receiving an annual performance bonus of $5,000" as financial interest are likely to increase a country GDP.
a)Jada's basis for depreciation in the property is NIL.
b) Personal property that has no intrinsic value is called 'INTANGIBLE PROPERTY'.
Due to a decline in the property values over the past few years Jada has converted her personal residence to rental property and/or investment property which is a subject dealt within IAS 40 (Investment property).
According to IAS 40 an investment property is land or building held to earn rentals or for capital appreciation or both rather than use in the entity. IAS 40 requires to initially measure investment property at cost and subsequently may either measure at cost or fair value model. Fair value is normally established by prevailing market prices.
IAS 40 also mentions that if an asset is revalued to fair value the gain and loss should be recorded in statement of profit and loss and 'NO DEPRECIATION IS CHARGED ON THE ASSET AFTER THE FAIR VALUE MEASUREMENT'.
Therefore, following the instructions laid out by IAS 40 Jada's basis for depreciation in the property is NIL.
2) Personal property with no intrinsic value:
Personal property that has no intrinsic value is called 'INTANGIBLE PROPERTY'.
Lets first understand what intrinsic value is. Intrinsic value of an asset refers to the market led and/or market-driven price of that asset. This means those assets which don't have an active market for sale and purchase will have no intrinsic value. This is absolutely the case with intangible assets, because most intangible assets are unique and uncommon, such as, GOODWILL, PATENTS, COPYRIGHTS, therefore due to the uniqueness and exclusivity of such assets an active market place doesn't exist therefore it's hard to determine an intrinsic value for such kind of assets/ properties.
Book Value Of Asset
Book Value of Assets is the asset's value in the books of records of a company or an institution at any given instance.
Assets Book Value Formula = Total Value of an Asset – Depreciation – Other Expenses
Book Value Of Asset is
and the fair value of asset exchanged is
As there is a change in the value, this substance exists in the transaction.
Commercial substance exists in business transactions where the outcome is anticipated to change the company's cash flows in the future and is considered only when there is a significant alteration in the risk of cash inflow, the timing of cash inflow, and the amount paid as a result of the transaction.
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