Investors at Penny's candies have low expectations from the company since it has a very low P/E ratio. Either the company is not performing well or investors have discounted some bad news in future cash flows.
Whereas Donna's confections has a P/E of 6.7 which is much better than that of Penny's. So here the company is performing well and investors are positive on future good news and they expect the cash flows to improve and hence the stock rules at a higher P/E ratio
A fraud in general terms refers to a wrongful or criminal deception intended to result in a financial or personal gain. This kind of acts should be more observe especially to those people that are done by the wrongful act and theories and some investigation should be done in order to counter the next incident that might happen with the same kind of fraud.
Answer: Companies in perfect competition do not usually apply "socially conscious" practices because their cost-benefit relationship does not justify it.
Generally, the administration of an oligopolistic company will carry out "socially conscious" practices, because this differentiation between the other companies would lead to higher than normal profits.
The correct answer is letter c. create consumer demand. Advertising, fashion trends, and new product introductions serve to create consumer demand.
Disequilibrium occurs when the quantity supplied and the quantity demanded are not the same in a market. The statement presented is True.
Answer: Paper Forms
Reason: Process of Elimination and Educated Guess (Also, I just learned this)