The answer to the question is "Pragmatic realism"
Parenting is often measured by principles adopted by parents which include behavioral complex in influencing the lives of their children and social functioning.
Positive parenting is associated with show of empathy, love, correction towards their children. This serves to lower risk of depression among children and overall boost their self confidence. Negative parenting is associated with show of negligence, lack of care, abusive by parents towards their children.
Pragmatic Realism is the varied experiences which include both positive and negative challenges of parenting.
Pragmatic realism, in this context, explains how parents go about dealing with experiences of positive or negative parenting. It doesn't just stop on how to deal with the situation alone, but pragmatic realism focuses also on addressing situations logically.
4) abstract; concrete
Alene is able to easily understant abstract concepts and ideas, which is why she comments the reasoning about the conclusion of the apple A being bigger than apple C. Aline shows an abstract thought, while Janis shows a concrete thought as evidenced in her only being able to "get it" after Alene explained again, using the physical apples. She needed to see a physical object in order to understand the idea.
Yea, you Rightt!
(UNICEF) is Responsible...
Her babysitting money or her Time with you
No, it is unethical to use another author's ideas without crediting his or her work or literature. Failing to credit an author's work in your own work is known as plagiarism. Plagiarism has serious and sometimes even legal consequences in both educational institutions and beyond that in the corporate world and publishing industries. To avoid plagiarism and remain ethical it is best to quote ideas given by another author and clearly state the source from which you are quoting the author's work.