The hippocampus, which is found deep inside the medial temporal lobe
Direct relationship.
There is direct relationship between growth rates and time which means growth rate of organism increases with the passage of time. Direct relationship means if one increases the other automatically increases and if one decreases, the other also decreases. The growth of bacteria becomes double when more time passes and vice versa. After every 20 minutes, the population of bacteria becomes double.
Salt or bad products that enters ur body
Theory is not definite, while Law is.
A Theory is an idea or set of ideas that has proven itself many times, but has certain loopholes that prevent absolute certainty. Meanwhile, a Law is a Theory without loopholes.
Then the submerged aquatic plants will note be able to receive light for photosynthesis. then those submerged aquatic plants will not have food/nutrients to survive, hence die. aquatic animals will not receive sufficient oxygen from those submerged aquatic plants, hence die also.
decomposes will breakdown all dead organisms to release carbon dioxide, and also deplete oxygen concentration during decomposition process.
eventually, habitat is rendered not livable. only the algae continue to proliferate uncontrollably at the water body surface.