I would say the editing phase, as I have done a lot of writing and multiple people around me refer it as that, but the revising stage also covers editing, which doesn't make much sense. I guess that it depends on what your class taught you. Sorry if this doesn't help you, but my best answer would be the editing, since it covers going back through a paper to check for errors. Do you know what the exact definition of "editing" and "revising" is and could you get back to me with that?
- Cupid is the Roman god of love. He is usually shown as a young boy with wings and a bow and arrow.
- A cupid is a picture or statue of a pretty little boy with wings, often holding a bow and arrow.
<h3>Hope it's Helps~</h3>

The haiku " Birds scatter in flight Colorful specks in the air Noisy confetti" makes use of a 5/7/5 syllable pattern.
Haiku is a traditional Japanese poem. The number of lines present in a haiku is 3. First line line has 5 syllables. The second line has 7 syllables. Third line also has 5 syllables. Syllables is nothing but a part of a word that can be pronounced as a unit. These haiku rarely contains rhyming words.
The above haiku can be split into syllable as follows:
Birds /sca/ tter/ in/ flight/
Co/ lor/ ful/specks/ in/ the/ air
Noi/sy/con/fe/ tti
I would go for swimming cause it's good for health and it's fun too