C.People can be tested for mutations on these genes
Another geologic event that may occur in the dark shaded area on the map is wildfire. The dark shaded area as shown in the map, is an area more commonly known as "The Ring of Fire". Volcanic activity is very common in this area, due to to the many volcanos present.
Answer: In vitro fertilization
In vitro fertilization (IVF) involves some procedures used to help with fertility. This series of procedures are usually complex and can help prevent genetic problems and assist with the conception of a child.
During IVF, mature eggs are collected from the female ovaries and sperms from the male and fertilized in the laboratory. The fertilized egg are then transfered back into the uterus for its growth and development.
The sperm and eggs could be from partners who have decided to carry out IVF or from donors. IVF is usually Carried out by high rating laboratory. One full cycle of IVF takes about three weeks. IVF are usually expensive and could take a longer time if splits into different aspects.
IVF is an effective reproductive technology.
para la mayoría de los seres vivos son 20
Explanation: alanina, arginina, asparagina, aspartato, cisteína, fenilalanina, glicina, glutamato, glutamina, histidina, isoleucina, leucina, lisina, metionina, prolina, serina, tirosina, treonina, triptófano y valina.
Sin embargo, hay excepciones: en algunos seres vivos el código genético tiene pequeñas modificaciones y puede codificar otros aminoácidos
..mmm.... high pressure I guess.....
and are you sure that the outside will be freaking cold with a freaking sun above ..??..