Financial status impacts marital stability in many different ways. If a married couple struggles with financial worries there would be be blaming, worrying and shame in the family that can lead to many arguments. ... The couple may feel tense and the tension may even contribute to the break up of the marriage.
Financial matters affect not only financial satisfaction, but also marital satisfaction and quality of life. With the potential to influence so many aspects of everyday life, continued research in understanding the processes involved in this fundamental area of family studies is vital. Satisfaction with one's financial status can enhance marital satisfaction, and more broadly, life satisfaction. Conversely, financial difficulties and dissatisfaction with one's financial status can lead to marital conflict and divorce.
Gross national happiness is a proportion of financial and good progress that the King of Bhutan presented during the 1970s as a choice to total national output. Instead of concentrating carefully on quantitative monetary measures, net domestic bliss considers an advancing blend of personal satisfaction factors
Gross domestic happiness bliss is abused. It covers issues with debasement and low expectations for everyday life in the entire nation, as indicated by the nation's new head administrator.
Its Velocity Over time right?
(If I know then I can answer)
Edit: During part A, the man's velocity Increased over the short period of time, comming to a constant speed at B. After his speed quickly slowed down, where is remained constant one more in D. Imedently rose to a speed F, in part E. Accelerating in part G, before decreasing H, and remaining constant in I for the rest of his journey.
Hope that Helped
Answer:b) naturalistic observation
Naturalistic observation is a technique under which observation of the subject is done in its natural environment.
Usually this technique is used when lab research will be unreasonable.
How Does Naturalistic Observation Work?
This technique may be used just because people's responses may be more effective when they are in their comfortable environment than when they are in a lab for research purposes.
Sometimes the result of the research are more effective when the behaviour is observed in an exactly moment when it happens. By watching how people respond to certain situations and stimuli in real-life, psychologists can get a better idea of how and why people react.