With mid level education, supposing basic 4 year college you could get a stable job paying 100k or less. You would earn more than minimum wage and depends on the state you live in. With high level education you would make a great deal of money and you would be more valued to employers due to that
Hmmmmm yea ask another cause i need more info
The given statement is not true.
Global Plagiarism is a Plagiarism that occurs when one pieces together bits from one or more sources and represents the end result as his or her own. This statement is False.
When a person uses the entire or whole work done by someone else and presents it as his own work, this is called as Global Plagiarism. Global Plagiarism is the most obvious and common form of Plagiarism. In simple words, we say that when a person copies and pastes the material produced by someone else as it is, this is the Global Plagiarism.
When a person patches together bits of work from one or more sources and represents the end result as his or her own, that is Patchwork Plagiarism.
Learn more about Global Plagiarism at:
Coronam is the Latin word for crown
Answer: The vast majority of armed conflicts in West Africa since independence have been intrastate conflicts, marked by 5 large-scale civil wars. The main problem is internal conflict, but other stresses include youth inclusion, migration, the rapid development of extractive industries, and land management.
I don't think region alone can change much, but the further away from the European settlements you get, the less their influence remains. So in regions further from where there was previous European settlement, there's going to be less issues.