3.5 cards
Step-by-step explanation:
The sample space for picking cards until the A of hearts and the two of hearts are picked up is:
{A,2} {2,A}
{A,1,2} {A,3,2} {A,4,2} {2,1,A} {2,3,A} {A,4,A}
{A,1,3,2} {A,1,4,2} {A,3,1,2} {A,3,4,2} {A,4,1,2} {A,4,3,2}
{2,1,3,A} {2,1,4,A} {2,3,1,A} {2,3,4,A} {2,4,1,A} {2,4,3,A}
There are 20 possible outcomes
The probabilities of needing 2, 3 or 4 cards to draw both the ace and the two of hears are:

The expected number of cards needed is: