A virtual privte network is a particular type of network that uses circuits that run over the Internet but that appears to the user to be a private network.
A. Rogue access point
A rogue access point is defined as a wireless access point installed on a secure network infrastructure without consent of the owner of the network or without due authorization. While this can sometimes be added by a malicious attacker, it is most commonly set up by employees with the desire to have wireless access even when there is any available.
In the question, there are three wireless networks, but on scanning, five wireless networks were found, hence they are rogue access point.
def rec_dig_sum( num ):
num_list = [ digit for digit in str(num)]
total = 0
for x in num_list:
total += x
return total
def dict_of_rec_dig_sums(low, high):
mydict = dict()
for number in the range(low, high+1):
mydict[rec_dig_sum(number)] = number
return mydict
The python program defines two functions, "rec_dig_sum" and "dict_of_rec_dig_sums". The former accepts a number and returns the sum of the digits of the number while the latter accepts a low and high number range.
The program returns a dictionary with the recursive sum as the keys and the number count as the values.
2- Multitasking Multitasking – Multitasking Multitasking is one among the main advantage of computer. ...
Speed – Now computer isn't just a calculating device. ...
Cost/ Stores huge – Amount of knowledge it's a coffee cost solution. ...
Accuracy – ...
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Task completer – ...
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Productivity –
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As far as I know, no one I know, even knows that brainly exists. Those who do know about it don't use it.