Our physical activity can affect our sleeping positively by, making you fall asleep and stay asleep easier, rather than not regularly exercising.
on top of the field dressing .
The male reproductive system consists of external organs. The testes in the scrotum produce the male gamete, sperm, which is ejaculated in seminal fluid by the penis.
The female reproductive system primarily consists of internal organs. The female gamete, ovum, is produced in the ovaries and is released monthly to travel to the uterus via the Fallopian tubes.
Deciding whether to build a new baseball diamond at a nearby park
: collaborative decision
-Deciding which college to attend after high school
: individual decision
-Deciding how to best help a friend struggling with depression - collaborative decision
Explanation: In instances when individual decision is appropriate, the consequences of making the decision is borne by the individual making the decision, he/she enjoys the benefits, and if there are any negative results of the decision, he/she suffers these alone.
When choosing a college, the decision should be made individually for this reason.
This does not apply to deciding where to build a new baseball park, the person in charge of such a project needs to consult with other members of the community and arrive at a consensus, this is when every member agrees with the decision.
Deciding how best to help a friend should be a collaborative decision because of the risks involved. Depression is a chemical imbalance in the brain and should be treated by a medical professional. Unless, you are a medical professional, you need to include your friend's family, other friends and people you believe can advise your friend to seek the professional help he/she needs.