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The lagging strand runs in a 5’ to 3’ direction and is replicated discontinuously.
<h3>Why a discontinuous or delayed tape?</h3>
The other strand, called delayed, is replicated discontinuously. In this case, the presence of Okazaki fragments is necessary, small pieces of DNA that will bind to form a new strand. - DNA is degraded by two types of enzymes.
The ends of a DNA strand are classified as 5' and 3', as they correspond to the carbon number of the pentose where the phosphate and hydroxyl (OH) group are located, which join in a phosphodiester bond.
See more about DNA at
The order that the nucleotides are arranged in form different "codes" to create traits. RNA in humans is used for transporting, and making the amino acid proteins. The order of amino acid proteins also changes the polypeptide formed, and changes more traits, and characteristics. Basically, it's like reading a book. Each book is made up of the same 26 letters, but their all arranged in different orders. You can find the some of the same words in another book, but no two books are exactly alike. All the letters and words are arranged in different ways, even though other books have the same letters and words.
<span>The biggest difference between photosynthesis and respiration is that photosynthesis only occurs in plants and some bacteria while respiration occurs in all living organisms. They do share one big similarity and that is that the process of photosynthesis is actually the same process only it is completed in reverse.</span>
It is a common condition that includes overgrowth of atypical bacteria in the vagina
It is characterized by vaginal discharge that is when a fluid flows out from the vaginal opening with an abnormal odor or consistency and sometimes pain, the normal microflora of the female reproductive organs includes Gardenella, lactobacillus, Bacteroides, peptostreptococcus, fusobacterium , eubacterium, as well as a number of other types, some of the factors that may contribute to an abnormal increase of these bacteria or make them become unbalanced can be multiple or new sexual partners although some experts are skeptical about this; IUDs , recent antibiotic use, vaginal douching, and smoking. It is not dangerous but can cause discomfort symptoms.