The reason is because the heart requires more oxygen when exercising. Several physiological events happen to increase the blood flow and therefore oxygen flow to that muscles,including the heart.
Also the volume of blood that the heart pumps out is maintained so that the body organs receive the necessary amount of oxygen and nutrition, because if it didn't adjust the flow of blood to match activity level, you will be insufficient. Either output method will be lower than needed.
1.By creating a comfortable environment. This would include
warm, bright colors, and space free of distractions. The environment needs to be a place where the patient feels and has the ability to have confidentiality.
2.By attentively listening. People know when others are not listening.
s to be professional. This means to speak, look, and act like you know what you are doing and you have your background information gathered about the patient before greeting the patient. You have to be neatly dressed and have your hair done neatly. Keep your workspace clean and organized.
s to ask open-ended questions. Ask questions that require patients to respond with their own words and descriptions. Only asked closed-ended
questions to get more specific details, like to find out when a female patient last had their menstrual cycle or if the female patient is still menstruating.
5.Is to set eye level with the patient and maintain eye contact (if culturally accepted). By being face to face with the patient it will make them feel like you are on the same level as them, you are no better or worse than them.
This will also help you
build rapport with the patient
It is where a person first learns to relate to other people. What are the three main factors that account for changes in the American family? Give an example of the impact of each factor. The three main factors are more women in the work force, a high divorce rate, and an increase in the age at which people marry.
Washing your hands and not rubbing your eye and just being healthy