Answer: I thought I have answered this question before. Yes emzymes are sensitive to PH and temperature.
if the temperature is above 60 - 70 degree celcius, it looses it's ability to catalyse as such emzymes are kept within the normal body temperature to function effectively. Emzymes are also sensitive to PH changing the pH of its surroundings will also change the shape of the active site of an enzyme and also changing the pH will affect the charges on the amino acid molecules.
epididymis-vas deferens-urethra
About Eight million, seven hundred thousand!
Hope this helps :)
A bonds with T in DNA
A bonds with U in RNA
G bonds with C IN DNA
In RNA, the only difference with the code is uracil takes thymines place
Some have lifelong relationships with other organisms, called symbiotic relationships. There are three different types of symbiotic relationships: mutualism, commensalism, and parasitism. Commensalism: only one species benefits while the other is neither helped nor harmed