The more acidic the solution the faster it rusts. More Na = more rust
Common salt
sulfur dioxide
Almost everything in our surroundings represent chemical change
●Rusting of iron in presence of moisture and oxygen.
●Burning of wood.
●Milk becoming curd.
●Formation of caramel from sugar by heating.
●Baking of cookies and cakes.
●Cooking any food.
●Acid-base reaction.
●Digestion of food.
The arrangement of molecules within the 3 phases of matter are shown in the picture.
For the solid, the molecules are packed closely together. They don't have much space to move, so they just practically vibrate. For the liquid, the molecules are relatively farther from each other. The liquid molecules can flow freely but not as much as the gases. In the gases, the molecules are very far from each other. They are very sensitive to slight changes of pressure, volume and temperature.