A 'displacement' always consists of a magnitude and a direction. The two cars you just described have displacements with the same magnitude ... 5 km. But if they didn't both drive in the same direction, then their displacements are different.
-- 10 m/s² up and 10 m/s² down are different accelerations
-- 30 mph East and 30 mph West are the same speed but different velocity.
-- 5 km North and 5 km South are the same distance but different displacement.
The mechanical advantage is the factor by which
the machine multiplies the input force.
If the MA is 3 and the input force is 630N, then
the output force is
(3) x (630N) = 1,890N
la frecuencia = ω/2π, nada cambio
v(max) = ωA → ω2Α = 2ωA duplicara velocidad máxima
a(max) = ω²Α → ω²2Α = 2ω²Α duplicara la aceleración máxima
la energía total ½kA² → ½k(2Α)² = 4(½kA²) cuatro veces la energía
Am sorry what can you be more specific