Obsessive-compulsive because he does things at the same time
유 새 쮸 헤 녀 채 휴려차앞 곁 혜령아 뿅 영어책할
( a ) Voltage gated channels - channel can open and close based on membrane potential. At rest, the channel is closed and it opens at threshold.
Voltage Gated Channels -
It is a channel with a cluster of proteins present in the membrane .
The function of voltage - gated channel is to open for the some values of membrane potential and close for others . In maximum cases , the relation between channel state and membrane potential is probabilistic and requires a time lag . The ion channel can even flip the conformations at an unpredictable times , the membrane potential even determines the rate of transition and the probability per unit time of each and every transition .
Answer: B. Sarcoplasmic reticulum
Explanation: The sarcoplasmic reticulum is the name given to the organelle in the muscle cell, in charge of the storage and regulation of the intracellular calcium levels. It is the smooth endoplasmic reticulum in muscle cells, it means that it does not have ribosomes in its surface.
Option A. Incorrect. A SARCOMERE is the functional and anatomic unit of the striated muscle (skeletal muscle and heart muscle). This word comes from the greek: <em>sarkos (meat), meros (part). </em>That is reason you could find other structures of the muscle cell with this root (SARCO...).
Option C. Incorrect. "Arcolemma" this word does not exist. But if it refers to SARCOLEMMA, this word means: <em>sarko (meat), lema (cortex) </em>in greek<em>. </em>It is the plasma membrane of the muscle cells.
Option D. Incorrect. The SARCOPLASM, comes from the greek: <em>sarko (meat), plasm (matter). </em>This structure is the citoplasm of the muscle cells.
In conclusion, the word SARCOPLASMIC RETICULUM, refers to a <em>structure of the muscle cell, </em>that in this case, is the RETICULUM or the SMOOTH ER.