If you would like to calculate 1/10 of what number is 0.04, you can do this using the following steps:
1/10 of what number is 0.04
1/10 * x = 0.04 /*10
x = 0.04 * 10
x = 0.4
Result: 1/10 of 0.4 is 0.04.
x = 180 - (31 + 40)
Step-by-step explanation:
x = 180 - (31 + 40)
So the equation you'll use is (18,000 × .041)y+18000. Y is your years which is 20. So all you need to do is plug it in to get (18,000 × .041)20+18000 and when solved is 32,760 downloads by 2030

Given equation is
To solve the equation by step by step.
Step 1: Given

Step 2: Combine like terms together.
Plus symbol changed to minus when the term goes from right to left (or) left to right of the equal sign.

Step 3: Subtract the fractions in the left side.

Step 4: Divide both side of the equation by 3, we get

Hence, the answer is
y(-4) = 5
y'(-4) = -7
Step-by-step explanation:
Since the tangent line T and the curve y must coincide at x=-4
y(-4) = T(-4) = 5
On the other hand, the derivative of the curve evaluated at -4 y'(x=-4) must be the slope of the tangent line. Which inspecting the tangent line T(x) is -7
That is:
y'(-4) = -7