The Secretary General of NATO has the chief civil service of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization, represented by an international diplomat. He is responsable for several important tasks, such as: chairing meetings with committees and spokesperson of NATO, but military, strategy and political decisions are responsabilty of member states.
It is in Mecca, Saudi Arabia
strict liability or product liability for a manufacturing defect
The rules of strict liability state that someone will be strictly liable – liable without a victim having to prove negligence or fault – for an accident in certain circumstances while Strict product liability laws state that a manufacturer or distributor of a defective product will owe an injured person compensation even if the defendant took reasonable steps to prevent the defect.
If necessary, the President has the power to prorogue, or adjourn, a session, but only when the two houses cannot agree on a date for adjournment. Only the President may call Congress into a special session—a meeting to deal with some emergency situation.
<span>exceptional meritorious service or any noticeable service they've done</span>