Alchol establishments
Woman's Christian Temperance Union (WCTU) was a religious organization founded in November 1874 in Cleveland, Ohio. The group's primary purpose was to combat the influence of alcohol on families and society. The had non-violent protests against the dangers of alcohol. The women took to the streets and held pray-ins outside local saloons, demanding that the sale of liquor be stopped. Within three months the women succeeded in driving liquor out of 250 communities.
Another name for the enlightenment era is the age of reason.
we should make change currency and have a jobb offering for everyone so no one is jobless.
If you’re talking about supply and demand, demand is how much people want of something, and the suppliers how much of it is available. If there is more demand then there is supply, the price of the product will go up. If there is more supplied and there is demand, the price will go down.