In matrix form, the ODE is given by

a. Move
to the left side and multiply both sides by the integrating factor, the matrix exponential of

Condense the left side as the derivative of a product:

Integrate both sides and multipy by
to solve for

requires that we diagonalize
has eigenvalues 4 and 9, with corresponding eigenvectors
(explanation for this in part (b)), so we have

b. Find the eigenvalues of

be the corresponding eigenvectors.
, we have

which means we can pick
, we have

so we pick
Then the characteristic solution to the system is

c. Now we find the particular solution with undetermined coefficients.
The nonhomogeneous part of the ODE is a linear function, so we can start with assuming a particular solution of the form

Substituting these into the system gives

Put everything together to get a solution

that should match the solution in part (a).