Faster communication, information spread faster, group messages
Baje las persianas o cierre las cortinas en los días calurosos, para mantener la casa fresca y reducir el uso de ventiladores eléctricos o aire acondicionado. Deje que la ropa se seque naturalmente. Mantenga las tapas en las ollas cuando cocine para ahorrar energía. Use baterias recargables.
Hi LizBiz! The answer is Ctrl key on Windows, or Command key for Mac.
The Ctrl (Windows) key or equivalent Command key on Mac has a special purpose which allows special operations to be performed when combined with another action, such as clicking on multiple pictures or files for selection.
Option B is the correct option.
The following answer is true because when the person completed our training of a decision tree and after the following presentation he getting not good working performance on both side i.e., test sets and during the training period. After the training there is no bug on the implementation of the presentation then, he has to increase the rate of the learning.