C. After gaining independence, territory in both former colonies was divided due to religious conflicts
Step-by-step explanation:
The British had India as their colony, and Palestine as their mandate. Once the World War II ended though, the British saw that they are not in a financial position to be able to keep their colonies and mandates, so they decided to grant them independence. The independence didn't went as desired by the locals though, as both India and Palestine got partitioned because of religious reasons. India was partitioned into Hindu and Muslim part, while Palestine and Muslim and Jewish part. The situation in the Indian subcontinent quickly escalated, as well as in Palestine where the Arabs saw the formation of Israel as stealing of their land.
The answer would be either:
-99/10 or -9 9/10
Step-by-step explanation:
Take the total cost and divide by the number of markers
$20/12 =1.6666666
Since we are dealing with money we round to the nearest cent