First obtain a common denominator for the fractions. Multiply the denominator of one fraction to the denominator of another and that is the denominator for the new fractions (54). Then multiply the denominator of one fraction to the numerator of the other one to obtain the new numerator. (e.g. 5*9=45 so 5/6 ->45/54) do this to the other fraction and you will see that 7/9 -> 42/54 and 45/54 is greater than 42/54 so 5/6 is greater .
The missing values are (-6, -9) ( The last option)
x= - 6 has already produced the value of y as 5, the only pair in the given option the make the given ordered pairs NOT to be a function is (-6, -9) since it will give the value of y to be - 9.