Step-by-step explanation:
by deleting
9y = -9
y = -1
6x - 4 = -10
6x = -6 then x = -1
in certain questions
Step-by-step explanation:
only use a table in Math when it is necessary. for example, when you are trying to find the coefficient.
The solution is 
Step-by-step explanation:
You are given the system of three equations:

Multiply the first equation by 4, the second equation by 3 and subtract them. Then multiply the third equation by 2 and subtract it from the second equation:


Multiply the third equation by 23 and subtract it from the second equation:


Substitute it into the second equation:

Substitute them into the first equation:

The solution is 
Answer and Explanations
ACT score percentile help colleges compare students with one another, rather than just looking at everyone’s score. The score range is between 1 and 36, the highest score that one can receive on the ACT is 36. Moreover, 36 is the perfect score.
The maximum ACT score (36) is that in 2018, only 3,741 students (out of millions of test-takers) scored a perfect 36 on the ACT. The 99th percentile of test-takers includes those who earn 35 or 34 on the ACT. We can miss up to five questions on the ACT and still earn a 36. That is a reason why the maximum ACT score is 36 at the 100th percentile.
The ACT score report will provide more information about test-taking experience in the form of sub score. The higher the score, you will get into the colleges of your choice.