While exercise is a common cause of muscle fatigue, this symptom can be the result of other health conditions, too.
Causes of muscle fatigue
Addison's disease.
anaerobic infections.
cerebral palsy.
Go to They have a ton of stuff on blood types. I don’t know if this will help because I’m not in biology yet but I’ve been there and it helped a lot with some stuff. Hopefully that didn’t sound to vague. Have a wonderful day.
It is extremely useful for geologists, because most specimens of a given mineral are very close to the same hardness. ... So, we can conclude that not all the rocks are hard, and the hardness of rocks depends on how the atoms of the rock's minerals are bound to each other and how they are arranged.
I think that the question is not clear enough. Can you be more specific?
If your question was something like this: how many atoms of hydrogen can be around carbon, then the answer is 4. Carbon forms 4 bonds with other atoms.
Please note that carbon need not always form bonds to four atoms. A carbon could form a double bond with an oxygen and then two single bonds to hydrogen atoms. The carbon is only bonded to three atoms, but is forming a total of four bonds (1 double and 2 singles).