What is 0.42857142857 as a fraction?
To write 0.42857142857 as a fraction you have to write 0.42857142857 as numerator and put 1 as the denominator. Now you multiply numerator and denominator by 10 as long as you get in numerator the whole number.
0.42857142857 = 0.42857142857/1 = 4.2857142857/10 = 42.857142857/100 = 428.57142857/1000 = 4285.7142857/10000 = 42857.142857/100000 = 428571.42857/1000000 = 4285714.2857/10000000 = 42857142.857/100000000 = 428571428.57/1000000000 = 4285714285.7/10000000000 = 42857142857/100000000000
And finally we have:
0.42857142857 as a fraction equals 42857142857/100000000000
I probably need like a picture or example
32 40%
80 100
to find the answer, you do 32 times 100, the. divide that by 40 which equals 80
0.08 is larger because it can also be written as 0.080, and 80 is larger than 76.
Step-by-step explanation:
104:52 = 2:1 = 2 pounds per (1) week
40 × 2 = 80