The correct answer is A.
In order to keep track of the feral cats' location, the animals should have a GPS tag that can be monitored. After the animal has been tagged and released, the scientists can track the movement of the animal and know its exact location at all times.
In prokaryotes the 5' UTR is 3-10 nucleotides.
In Eukaryotes the 5'UTR is 100 to many thousand nucleotides long.
Leader sequence or 5' UTR starts at transcription site and ends at the initiation codon just one nucleotide away from it.
It is present in mRNA.
These are GC rich and form secondary structure, helps in protein synthesis.
Shine Dalgarno sequence in prokaryotes is an example of 5'UTR.
It acts as an entry point of ribosome.
In taxonomic, the organism is classified based on some similarities. In upper division, the similarities should be more general and in the lower division, the similarities will be more specific. It was mostly based on an organ, example: vertebrate.
An organism with the same phylum could be put in different order.
But the organism with the same order should have the same phylum and class too since order is located below the phylum. That means the organism with the same order should have more similarities than the organism with the same phylum. Those similarities are tightly correlated with the evolutionary relationship.
The image is not really helping since it was showing kingdom division, not the sequence of the taxonomic division.
Active transport uses energy passive transport does not..... active transport moves from lower to higher concentration and vice versa in passive transport.... both use carrier proteins....
The F1 progeny is completely heterozygous for the <em>loci</em> of interest since they were obtained by mating between two pure-breeding plant lines. In the next generation, the backcross progeny will have homo-zygous individuals and therefore they will be more variable, resulting from meiosis in F1 hybrids
An F1 resulting from the cross between two pure-breeding plant lines will produce all hybrid individuals, all of them genetically (and phenotypically) identical. Meiosis in F1 hybrids is well known to produce homo-zygous genotypes and thus increases genetic diversity in progeny. For instance, for a single <em>locus</em>, the expected ratio of genotypes obtained from crossing two heterozygous parents is 1:2:1, i.e., one homo-zigous dominant individual, two heterozygous individuals (genetically identical to the parents) and one homo-zygous recessive individual; while the expected phenotypic ratio is 3:1 (i.e., 3 dominant expressing: 1 recessive expressing).