The relative speed of 1 relative to 2 is 0.88c
In relativistic mechanics the relative speed between 2 objects moving in different direction is given by

Since it is given that

Applying values in the formula we get

Alpha particles are heaviest among alpha, beta and gamma so they have least amount of Penetration compared to both.
Gamma Particles are lightest among three so they can Penetrate most .
The order of Penetration is given by
Alpha< Beta < Gamma
magnitude is the sum of the squares.

If you are given horizontal and vertical components, treat those as the rise and run of a triangle, the rise of 8 with a run of 5 and you want to find the hypotenuse.
How do you find the long side of a triangle?
The doppler effect is the increase or decrease in the frequency of sound, light, or other waves as the source and observer move toward or away from each other.
This is not something that waves do because they need a medium to travel through, while particles do not.
<h3>How light travels in space?</h3>
A light travels without any medium while on the other hand, a medium is required for sound waves to move from oe place to another. Sound is a mechanical wave that cannot travel through a vacuum.
So we can conclude that electromagnetic waves like light do not require medium for its propagation.
Learn more about light here: