To make this easier, we can convert the fractions into decimals. 3/4 is 0.75. 1 and 1/2 would be 1.50 and 2 and 1/4 would be 2.25. Now, let us to the subtraction in order for us to know the difference of each. So 1.50 minus 0.75 would be 0.75. And 2.25 minus 1.50 is also 0.75. 0.75 is 3/4 and this means that she increased 3/4 hour each day.
0.1 days
Step-by-step explanation:
If you need an explanation just ask
a) 20(x)=y
b) $120
Let x= number of hours
Let y= Cost of labor
20 will remain constant, what matters is how many hours are being worked. If it's $20 per hour then it's safe to assume 1 hour is 20 dollars worth of labor. Due to it being per hour you have to multiply the rate by however many hours worked to get your final cost.
Be sure to keep places.
156 and 381/2. I believe all they want you to do is divide.